Be Back Soon

Hey there!

So I was writing the post for today and I noticed my MacBook screen kept flashing weirdly and after a while I noticed that the bottom left side of my screen was quite a bit darker than the rest. It’s nothing major, but it is kind of annoying so I just spent who knows how long attempting to figure out what the heck is going on with it and not using that time to actually write my post. So unfortunately today’s post is just going to be this note from me. I’ll be back to my regular scheduled programming tomorrow but I kind of want to just shut down everything and give the old Mac a break.

I will see you tomorrow with my post all about my unique form of web therapy.

Ta-ta for now!

The Many Times Sex and the City Lied to Me

“Being single used to mean that nobody wanted you. Now it means you’re pretty sexy and you’re taking your time deciding how you want your life to be and who you want to spend it with.” – Carrie

So I was watching Sex and the City today and I was on my favorite season (yes I have a favorite season, what of it) and I got to the episode where Carrie has a birthday dinner no one shows up to and about five minutes in I came to the realization that I am now the exact age as Carrie in season 4. I don’t know about you but I often find myself rewatching shows I loved in my late teens/early twenties and I’m always astonished to find out that I am either the same age or older than the characters. For one thing I still look almost a decade younger than the majority of the people on these shows, like seriously how old were these people when these shows aired? Also the difference between my life at that age and theirs is so stark I have to wonder what magical fairy tale world they were inhabiting.

I’m not completely crazy, I know Hollywood has to take some creative license because if they made these shows too close to reality we’d all end up depressed. We know we won’t be prancing around NYC in designer duds or heading to huge events every week, so it’s not those things that end up disappointing us later in life. No, it’s the little daily things these shows present to us that in our younger days seem to make perfect sense yet throw us for a loop in our later years when we realize we have yet to acquire them. Sex and the City has many examples of this, but I’ve chosen to focus on the three main ways my life at 35 is drastically different to my girl Carrie and her friends.

  1. You have your shit together.

All four women on this show have full blown careers in which they are pretty much settled and respected, they all have amazing apartments, and a great signature style. None of these things seem that far fetched when you initially look at them. It makes sense that you would have had enough time in your chosen career by your 30’s that you’d be established and respected and of course you can get that killer apartment. Unfortunately that’s not exactly how it works, in today’s world where 17 year-old’s are millionaire influencers with mansions and PhD’s are barely scraping by the equation changed for many of us while we were just starting to play the game. We found ourselves trapped in converse when we should have been strutting in Manolos.

2. Getting a date is easy.

Episode after episode we watch these ladies run around the streets of NYC bumping into men, meet cute after meet cute and I have one thing to say to that….

I highly doubt this happened to women when this show originally aired and I sure as hell know in the Tinder swipe-a-thon that is todays dating world this is so not happening. Oh I’m not saying you might not bump into someone cute but the odds that dude is single, not a creep, and willing to ask you out are slim and the odds of this happening on the regular nigh impossible. I’m not being overly negative here I’m just saying I’ve had a couple of meet cutes and they were few and far between and experience tells me dudes willing to ask a stranger out are rarely the type of dudes you’d actually want to date. But hey you do you!

3. You have a tight knit friend group.

This one is a tossup because there are quite a few people who have a friend group just like this, but I’m putting it here because for myself and people like me this is a pure fantasy. If you happen to have a group of friends that has the time and means to meet up on the regular then you should count yourself among the lucky ones. For many of us our friends have gone on different paths and because of that we find ourselves minus one tight knit group of girls. The media would have you believe this is strange but the honest truth is for many of us this is the norm, for whatever reason life happened and our friends fell off over the years and finding new ones as an adult is freaking hard. So don’t feel bad if you’re minus a Miranda, Samantha, and Charlotte, I heard those chicks didn’t really like each other anyway.

And those my friends are the ways in which Sex and the City has lied to me, what do you think? Has the show lied to you or are you out here living your best Carrie Bradshaw life? Let me know in the comments below.



Glad you stopped by the old blog. Let’s kick this off by stating the obvious, I haven’t written on here in a while and I figured it’s been over a year since my last post so maybe I should get back into blogging with a little daily post challenge. I’ve done blog a day before and I really enjoyed it so I decided would be fun to post here everyday for the month of September. The original idea was to do movie fashion posts everyday, but I figured that would be kind of repetitive so I decided to switch it up so I can be as creative as I want to be.

I started this blog after finishing grad school because I desperately needed some type of creative outlet and over the years I’ve gone back and forth from constant posting to pretty much none at all. The one thing that has remained the same is I always come back when I need a cretivity jumpstart. Which is exactly why I want to use this month to get back into writing for fun because I miss having s space to talk all things pop culture, life, and film.

I hope you’ll stick around and I hope I can make this fun for you and me as well.

Talk to you soon!


Summer 2018 Playlist


What is summer without a fun little playlist to get you moving right? I love summer because the most fun songs get released which makes it easier for me to spend the next several months jamming it up.  So let’s get to it, shall we?

Here are the songs I’m loving right now…

There’s a lot of new releases on here with a surprising number of songs from Shawn Mendes… why did no one tell me how awesome his music was? I also have some oldie but goodies mixed in there with one throwback care of Hasaan Minaj’s Spotify playlist which reminded me of my high school days (seriously you should check it out).  And that’s all folks, I hope you like it and let me know if there are any gems I’m missing.

Laters baby!

Build an Insta Theme Without Trying


Do you remember when Instagram was just a fun little app where you could share photos? Then like most fun things on the internet, someone figured out how to make money off of it and all of the fun got sucked out.  Now Instagram is filled with highly curated feeds full of images nipped and tucked to perfection and most of which weren’t even taken on a phone, seriously WTH!

I like the look but the amount of time people put into Instagram is astonishing. Last week I was watching an interview with an Instagram foodie who admitted she spent three hours on a single post.


Girl no! Like the entire audience that day I just looked at her and shook my head…ain’t nobody got time for that.  I want my feed to look better but I’m not spending 3 hours on a damn picture people look at on their phone for half a second.  There must be a better way, so here are three simple steps to make your feed look better without really trying.

  1. Pick a favorite filter.

This one seems restrictive but it really isn’t because most of us have a favorite filter and we just haven’t paid attention. My personal favorite is gingham as it is one of the only filters that rarely ever ruins the color of my photos.


I also admit having a go-to filter really cuts down on how long it takes me to post since I don’t have to try and fiddle with ten different filters to find the right one.

2. Boarders

Whether you just use the borders attached to filters (I do) or you decided to take a sec to resize pics, creating white space on your feed does wonders for its look. I like to add a border to every other picture which creates a nice amount of white space on my feed.

See how it gives a cohesive look without being too much?

3. Pick a color.

No, I don’t mean pick a color theme like all white where all of your photos have white in them, I mean choose a wash of color for your pics that works well. Instagram has an edit tool in the same place as the filters and there is an option to add a color to either the highlights or shadows of your photos.  I highly suggest going in and testing some colors out because they work really well to visually add synchronicity to your images without restricting the type of pics you take.


I use pink for all of my photos and as you can see it doesn’t turn the image pink but rather just gives it a tiny wash of color so when you look at all of my photos together they seem similar.  Not only does it make your feed flow better it also helps balance out any weird tinges of color.

And that is all folks! I’ve been doing these things on my Insta feed for months and I really like how they improved the look without forcing me to spend ages editing my pics. I maintain spontaneity while also giving the old feed a little polish. So what little tricks do you guys have up your sleeve? As always let me know in the comments below.


Friday Five: Favorites Edition


It’s Friday which means it’s time for another Friday Five and this one is all about my absolute favorite movies. I feel like favorite films are great because they don’t have to be the most critically acclaimed or even the most popular they just have to resonate with you.  Favorites make you come back over and over again despite the fact that you’ve seen them a thousand times and know all the words, so without further adieu here are my five go to films.

All-Time Favorite: Circle of Friends


If you have never seen this wonderful little movie I feel bad for you because you are seriously missing out. My grandfather saw this before me and he was constantly telling me I would absolutely love it.  I ended up checking it out and it quickly ascended to the place of my all time favorite film. I love it so much I have multiple copies of it on DVD just in case one goes out and I can’t get another.

Holiday Favorite: Babycakes


My mom loved this when I was a kid and I kind of inherited that love. If I’m being honest Babycakes might have been relegated to cute movie I like if not for the fact that it is difficult to get on DVD and one day I may never get to see my beloved Babycakes again which makes it so special. Like I seriously love the person who keeps uploading this to YouTube, they are the real MVP.

Tie: While You Were Sleeping


I will watch this any time of year if I’m being honest, but Christmas just is not Christmas without this playing on a loop… plus it takes place in Chicago.

Never Miss on TV: The Color Purple


I’m not sure why I don’t have The Color Purple on DVD but for some reason, I never picked it up. I will, however, watch this every single time I come across it on TV and I know every single word.

Camp Classic: Death Becomes Her/She-Devil


I’m putting these two together seeing as I watch them pretty much interchangeably and love them equally as much. There’s something about Meryl acting like a Real Housewife of New Jersey that is just endlessly entertaining. Plus Death Becomes Her is one of Michael B. Jordan’s all-time faves so when we’re dating this can be our Friday night chill out movie…

Don’t question my delusions!

Critical Darling: Taxi Driver


Dude, it’s Taxi Driver do I really need to explain this?

And those my friends are my go-to favorite films, what are some of yours? As always let me know in the comments below.
